Our team members are university graduates from top universities across the country, receiving Bachelor degrees in majors such as English and Business Administration. In addition, many of our team members pursue English certificates or second degrees while working at FVL & TPL. All candidates for hire are screened for English proficiency, computer skills, and analytical skills, and successfully pass two in-person interviews.
As an employer dedicated to our team members' ongoing personal and professional development, we provide both voluntary and mandatory continuing education and training for our growing team of BPO professionals. Our managers currently conduct the following training programs on a regular basis:
Ongoing Client Specific Training:
Detailed technical information about client products and services
Tutorials on processes and operations of projects |
Ongoing Office Skills Training:
Advanced Microsoft Office Suite |
Bi-weekly Leadership Development:
Project management |
+1 (650) 472 2233 (USA)
+ (84) 28 3948 4086 (Vietnam)